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MetaWallet: The Next Gen Digital Wallet Where All Values Talk To Each Other

Our main goal is to act as a bridge between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies. With MetaWallet, one of our favorite products, we are one step closer to this goal.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

We created a next-generation digital wallet to make it easier and more comfortable to access the products and services provided by our Metatime ecosystem. Every new user's MetaWallet is created automatically. By eliminating intermediaries, we enable all values to be exchanged directly with each other via MetaWallet.

One Screen, One Button, Easy Transaction!

MetaWallet offers users the convenience of accessing all assets with a single digital wallet. At the same time, every user who performs KYC verification through MetaWallet can benefit from the opportunity to access all services. From stocks to deeds, from gram gold to fiat money, from cryptocurrencies to company shares, all assets will be on your screen with a single button.

For instance, if a MetaWallet user wants to buy a coffee from Starbucks, they can do it using an exchange-traded stock, or through MetaWallet, a user can invest in real estate through MetaRealEstate with Bitcoin (BTC).

Available in Three Versions: Website, Browser Plugin, and Desktop App

MetaWallet will be available in three different versions: browser plugin, mobile app, and desktop app. Metatime users will have specially prepared keys to access their digital wallets. Users with a MetaWallet key will be able to view their digital assets and make transactions easily. The MetaWallet key will also ensure the security of their digital assets while allowing users to carry out shopping transactions within the Metatime ecosystem.

MetaWallet offers users easy payments and fast access, providing the same functionality for their digital assets that users expect from their debit cards. In addition, MetaWallet will offer many options to its users, such as language selection, desktop access, and facilitation features for developers. Thanks to these features, MetaWallet stands out with many features that other digital wallets do not have. All products and services within the ecosystem can be used more advantageously with MetaWallet, and other digital wallets can be added to MetaWallet if users prefer.

Get ready for a better digital wallet experience across the entire Metatime ecosystem and other platforms! MetaWallet is here as a next-generation digital wallet.